Wednesday, August 29, 2007

iGoldmine and Log On Local Rights.

After getting iGoldmine configured and allowing access through the firewall, I had a problem with regular users loggin in. I could, as an administrator, but my other users could not.

The first article I saw had me pull up the local Security settings Management console. I can't remember how they had me do that. But, when I clicked on "Allow log on Locally", the option to "Add user or group" is grayed out.

I found another article here. Here are the steps to use the Default Domain Controller Security Settings instead. This gave me the choice to add users or groups.
  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Domain Controller Security Policy.
  2. Double-click the Security Settings folder, double-click Local Policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.
  3. Under the Policy column, click Allow Log on Locally, and then click Add.

I created a group called iGoldmine and added it to this policy. Now any user I add to that group can use iGoldmine.

ISA 2004 and iGoldmine

A few months ago I moved my sales staff to a new server. This put them on a seperate network with it's own internet connection. I have needed to get iGoldmine up and working but I had not done that. Until today. And it was a pain, which I actually started day before yesterday. The first nightmare was that my machine wouldn't reboot after installing iGoldmine. Turns out they have an incompatibility with one of the microsoft updates.
This is always a problem with goldmine. I am not real pleased with igoldmine but I have no other options owing to the fact that we use goldmine and want remote access. Anyway, the solution was to apply the iGoldmine patch in safe mode. Then I had to remove an icompatible windows patch after that. Pain in the but. This is a patch from back in April, 4 months ago. You would think they would get it fixed.
Anyway, after getting it installed, it worked from inside the firewall, but not outside. Goldmine tech support of course was of no assistance and said they dont' support firewall configurations, which is typical of their support, they are extremely unhelpful even though I am sure they have thousands of customers with the same issues. I didn't find much, other than people asking the same questions, in the forums.
So here is how I finally got iGoldmine working through my ISA 2004 firewall(I know you might think it so much more than a firewall and it may well be, whatever).
I am on Small Business Sever 2003, if that makes any difference to you
  1. Open "Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server" Management Console.
  2. Click on your server
  3. Click on "Firewall Policy"
  4. Right click and chooose New/Access Rule (or click "Create a New Access Rule" int he task menu.
  5. Name it what you want, I chose "iGoldmine". Click Next
  6. Choose "Allow". click next.
  7. For "This rule applies to" choose "Selected Protocols"
  8. Click Add
  9. Now you are at the "Add Protocols" Window.
  10. You will notice at the top of the protocol "type" list there is 3 menus. New, Edit Delete. Edit and Delete may be grayed out if you haven't selected a protocol
  11. Click New, then Choose Protocol
  12. Give it a name, I like to confuse myself so I called it "iGoldmine". Same name, but this is a protocol and not an access rule.
  13. Choose New in the "New Protocol Definition Wizard"
  14. You want the following: Protocol Type:TCP, Direction:Outbound:Port Range from 491 to 491. Probably the only changes you need to make are to the port range values, the rest are probably defaulted correctly.
  15. Click Ok
  16. Click new again
  17. This was the one that got me. You need an inbound filter for port 80.
  18. Protocol Type:TCP, Direction:Inbound, Port Range From 80 to 80. If you don't use port 80 you will need to change this in the iGoldmine cluster manager, but you do have that option
  19. Click ok
  20. Click Next
  21. Choose No on Secondary Connection, Click next.
  22. Click Finish
  23. No to add them you will need to find them in the "Add protocols" window. Probably the easiest is to choose All protocols and find them in alphabetical order. You ned to choose the ones you just added and click add to add them to the protocols section of the New Access Rule Wizard.
  24. Click close once you have done that.
  25. Click next
  26. Access Rule Sources. Choose External. Click next
  27. Access Rule Destinations. Choose "Local Host"
  28. Click next
  29. Leave default "All Users", Click next
  30. Click Finish.
That should do the trick. It should work immediately.
The next problem I had was giving users log on local rights. I was able to logon immediately after the above as an admin on the iGoldmine server, but regular users could not until I made some changes. I will talk abou that in my next post.

Monday, August 06, 2007

"Error 15023: User or role '%s' already exists in the current database."

Got this error recently when I downloaded a clients database from a shared host to my local machine. Tried to add the same user.

This article resolved it for me:

Here is the SQl that I ran "sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'user'"

Friday, August 03, 2007

Tethering my Blackberry to my Laptop

When I first got my blackberry one of the things that interested me was the fact that I could "Tether" myh blackberry to my laptop. Which means that I could use my blackberry to get high speed internet access from anywhere I could use my cell phone(blackberry) Well the software to allow that didn't work with Windows Vista, so I kind of forgot about it for a while. Until today. I figured out that the motel my wife had got from hotwire didn't have high speed internet(I always try to remind her how important that is for me).

Anyway I called verizon and had them add the $15 a month thing that I needed for this to work and got instructions on how to download the software that I needed. The told me to go to After driving around for about an hour I finally found an open wireless connection and was able to download the VZAccess Manager that I needed.

Wow. Here I am sitting in the middle of a big parking lot at some factory stores near Park City Utah, checking email and doing other tasks. And it was fast. I had a full bar EVDO connection and it screamed. The connection back at the motel is only 2 bars and it is bearable for email and surfing, although noticeably slower.

Turns out this "Motel" is actually condos and there was a DSL modem sitting on the floor unplugged. I plugged it in and I have DSL so I didn't even really need to set up the Broadband access with verizon, but hey I will be getting stuff done while the family is school shopping so I am going to stick with it for at least this month. Where I live, we don't have the EVDO towers. I wish verizon would get that rolled out to all their towers.

David Mineer

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ten ColdFusion 8 OneLiners

Ten ColdFusion 8 OneLiners

Blog entry about some of CF8's best new features.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Importing Outlook Email into Google Apps (Gmail)

Here is an article about different ways to import existing email into your new Google Apps account.

This is mentioned in that article, but looks like a tool to make some migrations very simple:

Maybe not free, but what is your time worth?