Monday, January 11, 2010

Error while executing the Hibernate query.

org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: state is not mapped [from state]

This is the error I got when trying to do a simple ORMExecute("from state"). This happened because the from statement is case sensitive. I did change the name of the .cfc but I still am forced to use a uppercase "s" in "State". The tablename is tblState, so I am still confused on this one, but changing the case to match the original cfc did fix it.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

ColdFusion Builder Beta 3 and subclipse (subversion)

The ColdFusion Beta Builder 2 expired on Jan 1, 2010 so I was forced to do something that I wanted to do anyway, install beta 3. I did that on my mac over the weekend. Once I installed it I had a problem getting subversion back on so I could update my repositories.

The first problem was when i selected the subversion components from their site It had required dependencies. After unchecking a few, I think mylyn and the graphing one It allowed me to go to the accept licenses screen. However the next and finish buttons stayed greyed out no matter what I chose. I chose the radio button to accept the license agreements and even made sure to scroll through all of them to the end and everything. Nothing worked. Google search gave me this: I don't know how it made a difference because I didn't choose any of the components from that site, but just adding it as a site seemed to fix the licensing issue.

After that, I got subclipse to install but upon trying to update to head my repository I got the error "Thread attempted to read nesting count of a lock it did not own". After googling that I found some advice to add all the optional components, which I went back and did, one at a time. I can't remember what order I did them in but I ended up having to add them all except for collabnet merge client before it actuall worked without giving me that error.