Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We have some fields that we want to default to a certain value in Platypus. The main one is the suppress receipts filed. A while back, platypus support sent a script to make this work. It never did. Turns out they had a slight error in the script. The sent me the corrected script last week:

insert into options (name, value, descriptio, category) values ('Default Suppress Receipt','Y','The default Suppress Receipts option for new customers.','Customer Defaults')

This worked, but not until I deleted to old incorrect value out of the options table. I also restarted platypus. One of those two things made it work.

This gave me the idea for another field also. On my own I did the following:

insert into options (name, value, descriptio, category) values ('Default Suppress Statements','I','The default Suppress Statements option for new customers.','Customer Defaults')

This now enters the correct default value for the Suppress Statements field. I am not positive how it works, but it appears that you can add a row to the options table to cause default values. Just have to use the word "Default" in front of the actual field name. Should work for any field, at least on the general tab.

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