Friday, December 22, 2006
The highlight was at the beginning when volunteers from Nellis Air Force base rolled out a football field size American Flag. Then the during the National Anthem, 2 air force jets flew over and hit the afterburners right above us. COOL! Definately the highlight of the evening. I want to take my boys next year so they can experience this.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
checkValue(){if (document.getElementById('valuation ').value >= 1000000){
if (confirm("This value is over $1,000,000. Are you sure you meant to enter such a large value?")){
else {
return false;
I was able to set focus to any field, except the one I just came from. The only hack I was able to find was to set focus first to another field, then the field I came from and then use the follwing in my <input> statement.
Here is the javascript function I had to use:
checkValuation(){if (document.getElementById('valuation').value >= 1000000){
if (confirm("This value is over $1,000,000. Are you sure you meant to enter such a large value?")){
else {
return false;
David Mineer
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
It does const $1.99 a month. But as often as I drop phones in a glass of milk, it is worth it to me.
Anyway, I started researching this and came to find out that I could not run the goldmine executable which is on a network share, from the machine running my iGoldmine server. The iGoldmine server is W2K 2003 server and is just a member server of my domain. The error I was getting when trying to run the goldmine executable was:
"windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."
I decided to try and run some other .exe files on different network drives and sure enough, same error on all of them.
Goldmine tech support is usually awesome, but this time they just pooped out on me and had me so mad I had to go get a Dr Pepper to settle down. They didn't want to help at all.
Turns out the issue was with the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. You can get to this in Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs/Windows Components/. After that you can check or uncheck the two options: "For administrator Groups" and "For all other user groups". Both were checked, so I unchecked them and then I was able to access files over the network.
I didn't have the same problem logged in as myself. I was able to run those files, other users, however could not and hence the problem. There must have been a windows update that changed the IE config and hence caused this problem. I would have thought the Goldmine folks would have encountered this already, cause it has probably been a month or so.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Here is the with Statement:
with (document) {
"It is another scope. When you use the with statement, you are forcing the interpreter to not only look up the scope tree for local variables, but you are also forcing it to test each variable against the object specified to see if it's a property" - "Professional Javascript for Web Developers, Nicholas C Zakas, p 581
Monday, October 30, 2006
The solution would normally be to use a /cfif len(fieldname) = 0/ Since this is a dynamic spry region, that doesn't work. I found the solution in the forums:
spry:if examples
My version of the code is:
-span spry:if="'{FIRSTNAME}' != '';"-
Friday, October 27, 2006
Include the following element into the head part of your document:
/script type="text/javascript"/
function noenter() {
return !(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13); }
Add the following attribute into each input type="text" tag(s) in your form:
onkeypress="return noenter()"
The function has to go in the header on the page. It didn't work for me putting it in an included .js file.
here is what I want
This is what I have to do for now.
company1 contact1
company1 contact2
company2 contact3
company3 contact4
company3 contact6
company3 contact7
Redundancy and not what I want but it does allow me to go live with the ajax portions of the code and not break the app. We will see what the users think.
In spry however, I cannot figure out how to do it. I can output the list of companies, and I can write an onclick so that when I click on their name, the associated contacts are listed, but I can't list those contacts below the name of the company, I can only create the dynamic region for the contacts outside the company dynamic div.
I am still researching this and hoping to find a workaround. I did notice that there are some posts about grouping the spry forums, but all that is said is that it will be added to the list for future upgrades. This was back in the beginning of August. Maybe there is something available now.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
If you're going to be updating the data set by re-loading the same URL, make sure you turn caching off:
After that, you'll want to define a function callback that will be triggered *after* your server request to update the record:
function UpdateRecordCallback(req)
// We just finished updating a record, force myDataSet to
// reload the data from the server so our regions auto update.
Then use the loadURL() utility function to send your request. You'll have to pass your callback function to loadURL so that it gets called when the request succeeds:
function UpdateMyRecord(recordID)
Spry.Utils.loadURL("GET", "closetesrecord.php?id=" + recordID, true, UpdateRecordCallback);
When you call dynamic fields in a spry dynamic region you format them like this: {FIELDNAME}. So I had an href like this:
Firefox had no problem with this. IE, however, was having a problem and I couldn't figure it out. Finally figured out that I had to have single quotes around the spry dynamic vars like this:
That was only needed inside the onclick event, not outside. Small thing and the error didn't seem to effect the functionality, but you hate for users to get the little error each time the page loads. Makes everything seem just not right.
Of course I am using cold fusion and the answer was to put the following line at the top of my xml page.
I spent several hours trying different things. I had just upgraded to ie 7 and thought that could have been part of the problem. It was working just great in firefox. Glad it was an easy fix, wish I would have figured it out quicker.
I am using the adobe spry framework for AJAX. It is still in prerelease but I have really enjoyed it as it is my first serious foray into AJAX.