Monday, April 13, 2009

javascript function not found and cutting corners on code

I got hungup for several hours this afternoon on a couple of stupid issues. The first, I was getting a memory leak error and my browser was freezing up so that sometimes I had to restart. Turns out I did something I do alot in coldfusion, I included the end tag of a javascript tag in the emain tag like this:

I don't know why this is but I am sure there is an easy explanation that should make sense to me, but It didn't.

The other thing that took alot longer to figure out was a cfwindow that wasn't findinng the above attached .js file. I played around with the path and all sorts of stuff and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Because that script tag above has to be on the parent page that calls the cfwindow, not on the page that comes up inside the cfwindow.

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